About Page
iSafetyPro is a team of highly-experienced safety professionals who create mobile solutions for other safety professionals. That makes us different from software development firms who publish generic “JSA” software or apps for creating mobile forms, but lack an understanding of the intricacies of SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) or CSP (Code of Safe Practices) and JSA (Job Safety Analyses) or JHA (Job Hazard Analyses), and the safety industry as a whole.
We’ve designed our solutions for the agriculture, construction and oil & gas operations that want to replace their inefficient, costly paper SOP or CSP documents and JSA or JHA forms. Without buying a costly, complex suite of software that includes all sorts of unneeded capabilities. And without undertaking a major IT integration project. That’s why we’re cloud based — for plug-and-play simplicity and ease.
Unlike legacy software solutions that were originally created to be installed on desktop computers, iSafetyPro was developed from the ground up for iPads and iPhones. The result is a simple, fluid app that is no-brainer simple. Those others can be clunky and may lack some of the capabilities essential for maximum productivity. For example, iSafetyPro features on-device caching when a wireless signal is not available, so hyperlinks in a JSA or JHA to the relevant SOP or CSP always work…no matter how remote the job site.
With more than 20 years of actual field experience, we put our knowledge to work for you, so our solutions work the way you work. The way your field crews work. The result is the easiest, fastest upgrade to mobile SOP or CSP documents and JSA or JHA forms.